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Careers Advice

The ultimate guide to CV-writing for students and graduates!

Career Planning

5 simple steps to figuring out your ideal career
When people ask you what you want to do when you haven’t yet entered the workforce, it’s a bit like them expecting you t…
5 steps to writing a SMART career plan
Writing a career plan is a way to convert your hopes and dreams into practical, actionable tasks that will make them a r…


Choosing the Right Company for You
It’s no lie that we spend a great amount of time at work with many office jobs requiring 38-40 hours a week. Given this,…
Creating a winning cover letter
Your cover letter is your marketing pitch. It needs to create a positive first impression to convince the reader that yo…
Establishing strong professional relationships as a graduate
As you start your graduate program, be sure to establish strong professional relationships – here are tips on how to do …


Fool proof ways to avoid conflict in your uni sharehouse
Going to university is an exciting time in any students' life. You get to meet new people, the parties are lit, and if y…
How to beat procrastination at uni
Procrastination. It’s a key issue that affects all students, graduate or post-graduate, and is the major source of compl…
How to make the most of your time at university
Making the most of your time at university can lead to memories and experiences you will remember for the rest of your l…